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  Vitiligo also known as leucoderma, which simply means white (leuco) skin (derma), i.e. a disorder where the skin loses its normal coloration. It is also medically known as achromia, which means loss of color.
Basically, Vitiligo can hardly be called as a disease but a skin-disorder that has more social than medical significance, especially           
amongst the dark skinned people.Due to destruction of the melanin (pigment) cells due to lesser known processes (largely what is called as an auto-immune disorder) the normal skin starts loosing pigments from various parts of the skin, in a varying speed and extent. Our clinical experience based on the treatment of over 4500 cases, suggests that there is a strong genetic factor in the background of most cases, especially those who have extensive vitiligo or those who have vitiligo affecting the finger-tips, toes, lips or the genitals. The indication of strong genetic factor is observed in the form of family history of one or more of the auto-immune diseases such as vitiligo, diabetes, hypothyroid, alopecia areata, cancer, rheumatoid arthritis or allergies.

The vitiligo sufferers are observed all over the world, including the white skin communities. However, epidemiologically most cases are recorded in India (8.8%) and Mexico. Estimated 1-2% of the Americans have vitiligo as per the survey made by the American Academy of Dermatology. Males and females are affected equally, inclusive of children age group. It may begin at any age. Childhood vitiligo is not uncommon. 
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