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Allergy is a disorder of the immune system often also referred to as atopy. Allergic reactions occur to environmental substances known as allergens; these reactions are acquired, predictable and rapid. Strictly, allergy is osne of four forms of hypersensitivity and is called type I (or immediate) hypersensitivity.

It is characterized by excessive activation of certain white blood cells called mast cells and basophils by a type of antibody known as IgE, resulting in an extreme inflammatory response. Common allergic reactions include eczema, hives, hay fever, asthma, food allergies, and reactions to the venom of stinging insects such as wasps and bees.

Mild allergies like hay fever are highly prevalent in the human population and cause symptoms such as allergic conjunctivitis, itchiness, and runny nose. Allergies can play a major role in conditions such as asthma. In some people, severe allergies to environmental or dietary allergens or to medication may result in life-threatening anaphylactic reactions and potentially death. riety of tests now exist to diagnose allergic conditions; these include testing the skin for responses to known allergens or analyzing the blood for the presence and levels of allergen-specific IgE. Treatments for allergies include allergen avoidance, use of anti-histamines, steroids or other oral medications, immunotherapy to desensitize the response to allergen, and targeted therapy. Many allergens, such as dust or pollen, are airborne particles. In these cases, symptoms arise in areas in contact with air, such as eyes, nose and lungs. For instance, allergic rhinitis, also known as hay fever, causes irritation of the nose, sneezing, and itching and redness of the eyes Inhaled allergens can also lead to asthmatic symptoms, caused by narrowing of the airways (bronchoconstriction) and increased production of mucus in the lungs, shortness of breath (dyspnea), coughing and wheezing. Aside from these ambient allergens, allergic reactions can result from foods, insect stings, and reactions to medications like aspirin and antibiotics such as penicillin. Symptoms of food allergy include abdominal pain, bloating, vomiting, diarrhoea, itchy skin, and swelling of the skin during hives. Food allergies rarely cause respiratory (asthmatic) reactions, or rhinitis. Insect stings, antibiotics, and certain medicines produce a systemic allergic response that is also called anaphylaxis; multiple organ systems can be affected, including the digestive system, the respiratory system, and the circulatory system. Depending of the rate of severity, it can cause cutaneous reactions, bronchoconstriction, edema, hypotension, coma, and even death. This type of reaction can be triggered suddenly, or the onset can be delayed. The severity of this type of allergic response often requires injections of epinephrine, sometimes through a device known as the Epi-Pen auto-injector. The nature of anaphylaxis is such that the reaction can seem to be subsiding, but may recur throughout a prolonged period of time.

Common symptoms of allergy

Affected organ



swelling of the nasal mucosa (allergic rhinitis)


allergic sinusitis


redness and itching of the conjunctiva (allergic conjunctivitis)


Sneezing, coughing, bronchoconstriction, wheezing and dyspnoea, sometimes outright attacks of asthma, in severe cases the airway constricts due to swelling known as angioedema


Feeling of fullness, possibly pain, and impaired hearing due to the lack of Eustachian tube drainage.


rashes, such as eczema and hives (urticaria)

Gastrointestinal tract

abdominal pain, bloating, vomiting, Diarrh

Homoeopathic Approach:
Homoeopathic treatment is strongly recommended in Allergic conditions:
Homoeopathic medicines act by:
Relieving the symptoms:
Preventing exacerbations (attacks) Controlling and curing the disease process
Relieving Symptoms:
Homoeopathic medicines offer considerable relief symptoms of Allergic patients
Preventing exacerbations (attacks):
Homoeopathic medicines prevent any exacerbations at fist prolonging the time between episodes and later preventing their occurrence leading to permanent cure. Controlling and curing the disease process: Homoeopathic medicines offer permanent cure in allergic conditions they act by enhancing the individual’s immune response against allergens, thus producing stronger immunity so as to decrease the caused by a variety of triggering stimuli. The development of allergic conditions is multifactorial and depends upon interaction between susceptible genes and environmental factors. Thus homoeopathy with its deep acting constitutional remedies offers excellent results. Our medicines have not to be taken for life time. Once cured the patients develops immunity towards the triggering stimulus which is maintained even after medication is stopped.

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