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   Prostate Cancer  

It is a cancerous growth of the prostate gland. This disease usually strikes men in their 60s and 70s.
The prostate is a small gland of size and shape of walnut and is an integral part of the male reproductive system.

Prostate cancer is usually detected late in life and progresses very slowly. The precise cause of prostate cancer is unknown,

although hormonal, environmental and genetic factors can play a role. The factors like increasing age, exposure to certain chemicals, sexually transmitted diseases have strong links with prostate cancer. The fundamental of homoeopathy is that the disease is total affliction of body. Homoeopathy believes is treating the patient who is diseased rather than treating isolated diseased organs of the body. This approach of homoeopathy is made it possible to treat a wide spectrum of deep-seated and difficult diseases to be managed effectively, gently and safely. 

Suggestion about homoeopathic treatment:
There is an important consideration to be made while starting treatment for prostate cancer in view of advanced age at which the condition is detected. The treatment if too radical and aggressive could have possibly more side effects and risks, which could outweigh the possible benefits the patient would derive from it. At this stage medical care, which aims to reduce the symptoms without actually curing the patient is warranted. This treatment is called as palliative treatment. Homoeopathy, which is gentle, effective, and devoid of side effects, can be the best palliative treatment option.

Role of homoeopathy for as curative medicine for cancer of Prostate is NOT significant. Homoeopathy helps to control the disease, check symptoms and could help in controlling the further spread (metastasis) of cancer. This is an empirical statement.

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