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   Atopic Dermatitis  

Atopic dermatitis is an immune meditated inflammation of the skin, often with a significant genetical component. Pruritus (itching) is the primary symptom; skin lesions range from mild erythema to severe lichenification.

AD primarily affects children in urban

areas or developed countries. Like asthma, it may be linked to pro-allergic/pro-inflammatory T-cells immune response. Such responses are becoming more common in developed countries, because trends toward smaller families, cleaner indoor environment, and early use of vaccination and antibiotics deprive children of early exposure to infection and allergens that suppress pro-allergic T cells and induce tolerance.

AD occurs when environmental exposure triggers immunologic, usually allergic, in generally susceptible people. Common environmental triggers include foods (e.g. Milk,

eggs, soy, wheat, peanuts, fish), airborne allergens (e.g. dust mites, molds, dander), and staphylococcus aureus colonization on skin due to deficiencies. AD is common within families, suggesting a genetic component.

Symptoms and Signs:
AD usually appears in infancy, typically by 3month. In the acute phase, lasting 1 to 2 month, red, weeping, crusted lesions appear on the face and spread on the neck, scalp, extremities, and abdomen. In the chronic phase, scratching and rubbing create skin lesions (typically erythematous macules and papules that lichenify with continued scratching)
Patients have a threshold for perceiving itch, and itch worsens with allergen exposures, dry air, sweating, local irritation, wool garments, and emotional stress.
AD may become generalized. Secondary bacterial infections and regional lymphadenitis are common.
During the course of the disease there may be periods when the disease becomes worse; such periods are called flare-ups or exacerbations. Then there may also be periods when the skin symptoms improve or clears up completely and such periods are called remissions.
Frequent use of topical products exposes the patient to many potential allergens, and contact dermatitis may aggravate and complicate AD, as may the generally dry skin that is common in these patients.
Homoeopathic Approach
Homoeopathic treatment is strongly recommended in Asthma. Homoeopathic medicines act by:

  • Relieving the symptoms
  • Preventing exacerbations (attacks)
  • Controlling and curing the disease process
Relieving the symptoms:
Homoeopathic medicines offer considerable relief symptoms of Atopic dermatitis patients like itching, papules. Preventing exacerbations (attacks):
Homoeopathic medicines prevent any exacerbations at fist prolonging the time between episodes and later preventing their occurrence leading to permanent cure. Controlling and curing the disease process:
Homoeopathic medicines offer permanent cure in AD they act by enhancing the individual’s immune response against allergens, thus producing stronger immunity so as to decrease inflammation caused by a variety of triggering stimuli.
AD development is multifactorial and depends upon interaction between susceptible genes and environmental factors. Thus homoeopathy with its deep acting constitutional remedies offers excellent results. Our medicines have not to be taken for life time. Once cured the patients develops immunity towards the triggering stimulus which is maintained even after medication is stopped.
It also helps in preventing occasional features which develop along with long standing AD Like:
Cataracts, facial Erythema, Food Intolerance, Nipple eczema, Recurrent Conjunctivitis, Wool Intolerance etc.
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