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   Diabetes Type II  
  Type II Diabetes is also known as Non-Insulin Dependent Diabetes Mellitus (NIDDM) or Adult-onset Diabetes. Diabetes mellitus is a syndrome (= set of symptoms) characterized by increased level of sugar (glucose) in the blood due to deficiency or inactivity of hormone Insulin that is absolutely necessary to monitor glucose
metabolism of body. This is a metabolic disorder that is primarily characterized by insulin resistance, relative insulin deficiency and consecutively hyperglycemia. Diabetes is prevalent worldwide and if not attended properly, it may lead to serious complications.

NIDDM basically occurs due to defective insulin secretion combined with defective responsiveness of the body to the insulin (also called Insulin resistance). Due to both these factors, hyperglycemia starts occurring in the body. NIDDM is strongly associated with obesity and with increasing age. A strong inheritance pattern has been noted in cases of type 2 diabetes. Sedentary lifestyle, pregnancy, hypertension, cardiovascular diseases, etc pose as risk factors for developing Diabetes.Type 2 diabetes can begin at any age though it is not very common in childhood. It usually begins with insulin resistance, a condition in which the body does not use insulin properly. At first, the pancreas keeps up with the added demand by producing more insulin but later it loses the ability to secrete enough insulin in response to meals. This ultimately results in Hyperglycemia (high levels of glucose in circulation).

Homoeopathic treatment:
Type I Diabetes is a constitutional disorder as it is an offshoot of constitutional defects (genetic factors, altered immunity) having an impact on the entire constitution of an individual. Hence it calls for an in-depth constitutional approach for its management. Homoeopathy is based on the principle that disease is a total affliction of body. Moreover homoeopathy recognizes importance of the underlying causes such as genetic and inherited factors as the root of any ailment of the body. Homoeopathic medicines prescribed on such criteria plays a crucialrole in management of manydeep-rooted, chronic, difficult diseases; one amongst them being Diabetes. When we talk about diseases like diabetes, we talk in terms of management rather than cure. Homoeopathic treatment along with intake of hypoglycemic drugs and/or insulin can prevent the progress and the complications associated with this condition. Moreover timely administered homoeopathic medicines help in maintaining the levels of exogenous insulin and hypoglycemic drugs at minimum possible dosage and in preventing the further progress of the disease. However, it may be noted that there is no substitute to insulin in homoeopathy. The role of a healthy diet and exercise cannot be underestimated along with all the above treatment measures.

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