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  Herpes is a viral infection caused by the Herpes Simplex Virus (HSV). There are 2 types of Herpes Simplex Virus: Type 1 and Type 2. HSV type 1 causes Oral Herpes infection and HSV type 2 causes genital herpes. It must be noted that there is a considerable overlap in this-

HSV type 1 can also cause genital herpes in some cases and vice-versa; this usually occurs due to transmission via oro-genital contact.

Some of the patients exhibit the symptoms due to the virus while in many patients the virus (HSV 1 or 2) resides in a latent (resting) state in the nerves (that supply sensation to the skin)  without showing any indications of its presence.Most of the sufferers have recurring infections, as the virus has a tendency to show up its disease activity periodically, especially during phases of stress, lowered immunity or sometimes without any known reason. There are over four million new cases of herpes reported every year in the US. Due to carefree sex and careless contact, as I put it, this infection is bound to touch an epidemic status one day.

HSV infection is mostly spread by direct skin-to-skin contact. Transmission may occur directly, or through contact with infected razors, towels, dishes, and other shared articles. Sexual contact (including oro-genital contact) is the most common way to transmit genital HSV infection. The virus can be shed in saliva and genital secretions of patients, even if they have no symptoms.

Initial infection may not be noticed by the patient at times but if the lesions do appear they are usually more severe and subsequent recurrences tend to be milder. Typically herpes presents as small blisters (vesicles) filled with clear yellowish fluid. The blisters may occur on a raised, red, painful skin area and they may form, break, and ooze. Yellowish crusts may slough to reveal pink, healing skin underneath. There may be several smaller blisters that merge to form a larger blister. Oral herpes presents as skin lesions that occur around the lips, mouth and gums.
In males, genital herpes usually presents as genital ulcers which are most frequent on the glans, foreskin and shaft of the penis. They are generally sore or painful and last for 2 to 3 weeks. The local lymph glands get enlarged and tender. In women, similar lesions occur on the external genitalia and the mucosa of the vulva, vagina and cervix. Pain and difficulty passing urine are other common symptoms. Some people may also develop flu-like symptoms (fever, headache and muscular pain).
Genital herpes shows its activities by producing acute, chronic, episodic, local and/or generalized symptoms.

The Horror:
The horror of herpes virus lies in its resistance to traditional medication and tendency to attack again and again. The herpes virus, detected 200 years ago has a great affinity to the human race and it is resistance to any treatment targeted at the local eruptions. That is to say local creams or any (so called) antiviral application may help little and cannot curb this horrible virus from within.

The homoeopathy approach and treatment:
As a rule, homoeopathy does not believe in local or external medication. The constitutionally selected homoeopathic treatment administered orally helps inner healing and the recurring, chronic infection is thus treated successfully. Over the year we have observed encouraging and positive result with well selected homoeopathy medication. Homoeopathy is strongly recommended for Herpes infection.

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