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   Multiple Myeloma  

Multiple Myeloma is a malignant or cancerous condition of the plasma cells of the blood. It is also called Plasma cell Myeloma. The word Myeloma pertains to the cells of bone marrow. The bone marrow is a soft substance within the bones which manufacture all kinds of blood cells. The basic cells are called stem cells. Some of the stem cells develop into small white cells, also called as Lymphocytes. The lymphocytes are of two types, B Lymphocytes and T Lymphocytes. (They are also called B cells and T cells). The B cells, further grow into Plasma cells, when the foreign substance (antigen) or bacteria enter the body, the B cells develop into Plasma cells to form what is called as Immunoglobulin's (antibodies), to

fight against the antigens or infections. The Immunoglobulin's are denoted as Ig, which are of five major types: IgG, IgA, IgM, IgD and IgE.
In short, the plasma cells have the capacity to turn into the Immunoglobulin's (Ig), as a part of the defense mechanism of the body. These plasma cells when turn cancerous, it is called Multiple Myeloma. These cancerous plasma cells keep multiplying rapidly and travel in the blood stream, damaging body tissues. The malignant plasma cells produce too many (multiple) Immunoglobulin's which are actually not required by the body. This entire condition is called Multiple Myeloma.

Multiple Myeloma is nothing but the cancer of the plasma cell, an important part of the immune system that produces immunoglobulin (antibodies) to help fight infection and disease. Unchecked overgrowth of these cells leads to multiple tumors and lowered immunity. The tumors invade the hard surface of the specially the large bone, spreading into the cavities of the bones. Multiple Myeloma is the second most common blood cancer, after Non-Hodgkin's Lymphomas. About 13000 new cases of MM are reported every year in the US. It is relatively more common amongst the Americans versus their Asian counterpart. It is more common in men, after 60 years of age.
The exact cause for MM is not yet clearly understood. The common factors influencing the development of MM are genetic tendency, radiation, chemicals (herbicides, insecticides, petroleum products, heavy metals, plastics) , and virus.
The clinical symptoms often are vague or no symptoms in the early stage of MM.

Some of the presenting symptoms are:
1. Severe lower back pain or rib pain
2. Anemia and lowered immunity leads to weakness and tendency to frequent infections, as the production of Immunoglobulin's is disturbed.

Role of Homoeopathy for Multiple Myeloma:

Multiple Myeloma being a chronic difficult disease of unknown origin, largely affecting the vital functions at the constitutional and immunological level, the homoeopathic approach is, in turn, constitutional. The treatment is aimed at controlling the disease process of multiplication of the malignant cellular overgrowth and hence, trying to keep a check on the cellular destruction. Also, the medication is aimed at controlling the spread of the disease. There is no major study done to evaluate the role of homoeopathy for a series of cases of MM. However, our brief experience is suggestive of using homoeopathy as an important supportive measure during all the stages of Multiple Myeloma. Some research is likely to throw light on a better defined role of homoeopathy. In the light of the fact that homoeopathy has an established role in the treatment of various immunologically mediated diseases, Multiple Myeloma patients should not be deprived of the benefits of homoeopathy. Homoeopathy is safe and can be taken along with the traditional medicines for the treatment of Multiple Myeloma. Some of the commonly indicated medicines for Multiple Myeloma are Carcinosin, Thuja, Phosphorus, Radium bromatum, etc. depending on the indications which are based on a multi-factorial constitutional guidelines.  

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